Diabetes prevention

Potential protective effect of dairy products against diabetes

Epidemiological evidence supports an inverse relationship between the adequate intake of dairy foods and susceptibility to type 2 diabetes (T2D).

Do dairy products reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome ?

This review investigated recent meta-analyses and clinical studies on the association between the consumption of dairy products and Metabolic Syndrome…

Dairy products and the risk of type 2 diabetes: is there a dose-response?

Researchers from Imperial College London and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology conducted an updated systematic review of dairy…

Yogurt consumption may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 28%

New research published in Diabetologia shows that higher consumption of yogurt, compared with no consumption, can significantly reduce the risk…

An adequate intake of dairy products may significantly reduce the risk of diabetes

This paper critically reviews the evidence and plausible mechanisms for the putative associations between dairy food consumption and incidence diabetes.

Dairy products and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of cohort studies

This meta-analysis suggests that there is a significant inverse association between intakes of dairy products, low-fat dairy products, and cheese…

Less diabetes at menopause with low-fat dairy products

This US prospective cohort study included 82,076 postmenopausal women with no history of diabetes and had a duration of 8…

Full-fat dairy products linked to a favourable metabolic profile

Australian researchers set out to clarify the effects of full-fat or skimmed dairy products, both fermented and non-fermented, on various…

Yogurt consumption is associated with better diet quality and metabolic profile

A team of researchers from Boston analysed the link between yoghurt consumption, diet quality and metabolic profile in 6,526 adults.

1rst Yogurt Summit ASN – Yogurt & metabolic diseases by Prof. Astrup – WEBCAST

Watch the video on the American Society of Nutrition Website: http://visiond.com/ASN_EB13/Wed_8am_Benefits_Yogurt/Astrup.html