Cardiovascular health

Yogurt, good for your heart?

This systematic review and meta-analysis is the first quantitative analysis that specifically assess the effect of yogurt intake on cardiovascular…

Can dairy fat be good for your heart?

Whole fat dairy products are a well-known source of saturated fatty acids, which are considered as “unhealthy” for the heart.…

New evidence of yogurt consumption benefits the metabolic profile

Many epidemiological studies, conducted in the last 10 years, investigated the role of yogurt consumption and the risk of overweight,…

Is yogurt associated with a lower cardiometabolic risk in children?

In children and adolescents, yogurt seems to be associated with a lower risk of obesity and insulin resistance, which are…

Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Obesity and the High-Fat, Low-Fat Dairy Debate

Penny Brooks is a Registered Dietitian, who at the age of 12 was diagnosed with prediabetes, which she reversed within…

3 Questions to Benoit Arsenault on Blood Pressure Prevention

Lipoproteins and Cardiometabolic Health Researcher, Dr Arsenault has authored or co-authored more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts in major medical,…

Milk and cheese are associated with a lower stroke risk

Higher milk consumption has been associated with a lower stroke risk in different reports. Here, de Goede et al conducted…

Yogurt benefits blood pressure in women

Women, who ate five or more servings of yogurt per week, had a lower risk of developing high blood pressure,…

Cardiovascular health: how can yogurt help?

Read here more about the study on yogurt and Cardiovascular Disease risk.

Yogurt consumption to improve muscle metabolism

Selected for you this week: yogurt, superfood for athletes? An article by Leah Perrier, RD. Every week, we bring you…