Bone health

The role of yogurt in preventing osteoporosis

Selected for you this week: Benefits of yogurt to prevent osteoporosis, by WebMD. Every week, we bring you valuable quotes…

Choose yogurt for stronger bones

According to an US study, yogurt consumption is positively associated with hip bone mineral density (BMD). 4 servings of yogurt…

Bone health in elderly: Key role of vitamin D and calcium

The daily consumption of 2 yogurt servings (125 g each), fortified with calcium and vitamin D, reduces bone loss in…

Diet for gout: low-fat yogurt can help

Lifestyle and diet significantly influence the incidence of gout and uric acid levels. New research found that low-fat yogurt and…

Why older adults need more yogurt

As yogurt contains many quality amino acids, an US study recommends a higher intake of yogurt proteins among elderly to…

The bone-healthy diet campaign: yogurt

Yogurt is a source of calcium, vitamin D and proteins, essential nutrients in your daily diet for bone health improvement.

Coming up soon: World Osteoporosis Day 2015

20 October, 2015: Every year, the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) organizes a World Osteoporosis Day and a year-long campaign to…

Launch video: World Osteoporosis Day 2015

The International Osteoporosis Foundation launched a new video for World Osteoporosis Day on the 20th of October 2015: Serve Up…

Top tip to keep your bones healthy!

Selected for you this week: find out what you can eat to protect bone health, by E2dietitian. Every week, we…

Are you ready for World Osteoporosis Day 2015?

October the 20th, 2015: The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) organizes the World Osteoporosis Day to highlight the importance of bone-healthy…