25 Apr 2017
1 min read
Grant Application

2017 Call for YINI Research Proposals is now open!

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Call for proposal 2017

The 2017 Call for YINI Research Proposals

Every year the Yogurt in Nutrition Initiative for a balanced diet (YINI) launches a Call for Research Proposals concerning a range of projects, focused on yogurt science. The competition is open to research teams from public research organizations or researchers at universities or hospitals. A grant of $30,000 (thirty thousand dollars) is available to support one application.

Deadline for research submission: August 31, 2017

The call for appplication for the 2017 Call for YINI Research Proposals targeting “Health effects, associated with yogurt consumption” is now opened till august 31, 2017. Research focused in the following areas are particularly encouraged: Mechanism of action, biological effects of yogurt live ferments & fermentation products and impact of yogurt consumption on gut microbiota.

In 2016, YINI received 16 applications from 9 different countries (Italy, Belgium, Canada, UK, Indonesia, Malaysia, USA, Greece and Russia). The winner of the YINI Grant 2016 was Dr Paula Smith-Brown, from University Queensland, Australia, with the research project entitled: ”The association between yogurt as a complementary food for infants and growth, body composition and faecal microbiota development.”

To apply now, read the Description of the Funding Opportunity