PhD, College of Consumer and Family Science,
Purdue University, IN, USA
Connie M. Weaver, PhD, is Distinguished Professor and Head of the Department of Nutrition Science at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
In 2013, she was bestowed the honor of the Spirit of the Land Grant Award. In 2012she was selected as the Herbert Newby McCoy recipient. This award is the most prestigious research honor given by Purdue University. In 2010, she was elected to membership in the Institute of Medicine of The National Academies, of which she is a member of the Food and Nutrition Board. Also, in 2010 the Women’s Global Health Institute (WGHI) was formed at Purdue University with the mission of improving the health of women globally through research and training by proactively identifying the causes and prevention of diseases related to women. In 2008, she became Deputy Director of the National Institutes of Health funded Indiana Clinical and Translational Science Institute. From 2000 to 2010, she was Director of the NIH Purdue-UAB Botanical Research Center to study dietary supplements containing polyphenolics for age-related diseases. Her research interests include mineral bioavailability, calcium metabolism, and bone health.
Dr. Weaver is past-president of American Society for Nutritional Sciences. She is on the Board of Trustees of the International Life Sciences Institute, National Osteoporosis Foundation and Science Advisory Board of Pharmavite. For her contributions in teaching, Dr. Weaver was awarded Purdue University’s Outstanding Teaching Award. Her honors include the Purdue University Health Promotion Award for Women (1993), the Institute of Food Technologists Babcock Hart Award (1997), USDA A.O. Atwater Lecture Award (2003), the NAMS/Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer Healthcare Calcium Research Award (2006), the Purdue University Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award (2006), the American Society for Nutrition Robert H Herman Award (2009), the Natural Products Association’s Burton Kallman Scientific Award (2010), and the Linus Pauling Research Prize Award (2011).
Dr. Weaver was appointed to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee for Americans. She has published over 260 research articles. Dr. Weaver received a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in food science and human nutrition from Oregon State University. She received a PhD in food science and human nutrition from Florida State University and holds minors in chemistry and plant physiology.