Nutrient density

Simple changes to your diet may help save the environment

We all want to do more to save our planet but we still don’t know for sure how best to…

Infographic: Switching to nutrient-rich foods for a healthier diet

It is time to replace the ineffective system of food deprivation with one of enjoyment and to shift from a…

People with lactose intolerance can eat dairy products without experiencing significant symptoms

“Yogurt improves lactose digestion” is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI board about the health effects of…

Plea for yogurt to play a more prominent role in dietary guidelines

If you’re put off by the thought of bacteria growing in your food, you wouldn’t be alone. But our views…

Yogurt as a vehicle of healthy eating in children: the conference at a glance

Children’s health and development is driven by a healthy environment and balanced eating habits. This is quite an evidence for…

The dairy matrix – why dairy foods may differ in the nutrition they provide

It’s common knowledge that dairy products are a rich source of several health-promoting nutrients, notably protein and calcium. But did…

How might yogurt exert its satiating effect?

"Yogurt can enhance satiety and help to manage energy intake" is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI…

High-protein yogurt could be a healthy replacement for high energy-dense snacks

"Yogurt can enhance satiety and help to manage energy intake" is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI…

Low-fat yogurts increase feelings of fullness more than fruit-based drinks

"Yogurt can enhance satiety and help to manage energy intake" is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the YINI…

Yogurt is more than the sum of its parts