gut microbiota

Can fermented foods boost physical and mental health?

A happy gut means a healthy mind and body. Unlocking all the secrets held in our guts and understanding what…

Scientists unravel the healthy secrets of probiotics

They’re too small to see with the naked eye but it seems they can make the world of difference to…

Diet can influence the diversity of the gut microbiota

"Yogurt with live culture can contribute to gut health" is one is one of the 10 evidence-based conclusions made by the…

Could fortified yogurt help fight the flab?

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ll know only too well how hard it can be to persevere long…

Fermented dairy matrix: do live bacteria have a role?

The gut microbiota is gradually revealing its secrets. Its ecosystem contains about 1000 different species of microorganisms, which encode more…

Manipulating the gut microbiota may be an important target for tackling obesity

Weight-loss programmes seem to be a part of everyday life with the current high rates of overweight and obesity. But…

Can we use our diet in order to favor a balanced gut microbiota and prevent non-communicable diseases?

The gut microbiota is a hot topic for everyone! We all carry trillions of bacteria within our gut and these…

Research Advocates for Adding Fermented Foods to Food Guide

Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, … and of course, fermented milks like yogurt are growing in popularity, propelled by health claims and…

The Role of Fermentation Products in the Health Effects of Yogurt

Numerous epidemiological studies reported that yogurt consumption may be used as a new biomarker of a healthy lifestyle. What could…

How can discoveries on gut microbiota impact our health?

During the 5th Yogurt Summit, held in Buenos Aires during ICN2017, Professor Sharon Donovan (University of California, Davis, USA) explained…