
Concerns over dairy products and weight gain are proved unfounded

We all know that milk and dairy products are packed with nutrients, including a host of vital vitamins and minerals.…

Children’s nutrition for optimal bone health

A balanced diet and daily physical activity play a key role in stimulating bone health, but what should be a…

Yogurt associated with a better diet quality among children

If yogurt may be associated with a better nutrition intake of micronutrients, recent studies show also that it may have…

Breakfast: drinking milk may protect kids from overweight

Children and adolescents who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight than those in the habit of eating breakfast…

Less yogurt consumption in youth from low socio-economic position

Low socio-economic position (SEP) has often been associated with less healthy foods habits, overweight and obesity in the literature. Here,…

Quality of life: everyone wants it… yogurt may help for boys!

A new Australian study suggests that dairy and yogurt consumption may increase health-related quality of life scores for many adolescent…

The reduction in consumption of dairy products among adolescents could harm their health

Despite its contribution to nutrient intake and status, data indicates a secular decline in dairy product consumption and a tendency…