Infographics and practical sheets

Malnutrition in an obese world: How yogurt can help?

Discover below the infographic developped for the symposium organized during FENS 2019. Malnutrition Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances…

What is Kefir?

For centuries, fermented milks have provided essential nutrients and health benefits in human diets. Milk fermentation is as simple as…

What is Lassi?

For centuries, fermented milks have provided essential nutrients and health benefits in human diets. Milk fermentation is as simple as…

What is Greek Yogurt?

For centuries, fermented milks have provided essential nutrients and health benefits in human diets. Milk fermentation is as simple as…

Infographic: Switching to nutrient-rich foods for a healthier diet

It is time to replace the ineffective system of food deprivation with one of enjoyment and to shift from a…

Could yogurt be the foundation of a healthy breakfast?

Breakfast is often said to be “the most important meal of the day”, and this title is not awarded randomly.…

Lactose intolerance: yogurt can help to improve digestion

Curious about lactose and maldigestion? Watch here the video and download the complete infographic to discover more about the benefits…

Live ferments & fermentation of milk into yogurt

Yogurt is a fascinating food: discover in this infographic how the live ferments convert milk into yogurt, changing its taste…

Lactose is the sugar naturally found in dairy

Discover more about lactose intolerance and maldigestion in this new infographic, developed in partnership with the World Gastroenterology Organisation. And…

Find here the valuable reasons why yogurt is a great snack for children

You have the power to set the stage for your child’s food choices! Parents know that anything labeled a “health…