Weight management

Full-fat dairy products are inversely associated with obesity prevalence

Recent research indicates that increasing consumption of dairy foods may have the potential to lower the prevalence of global and…

Calcium in dairy products may help prevent obesity in Korea

This new study shows a link between the regular consumption of calcium and a reduced risk of obesity.

Interview Prof. A. Tremblay – Impact of Yogurt on Appetite Control & Body Composition

Yogurt and yogurt rich protein facilitate short-term control of appetite and energy, as presented by Angelo Tremblay, PhD, at the…

Yogurt reduces risk of overweight and obesity

Studies analysing the relationship between consumption of yogurt and prevention of obesity or becoming overweight have been carried out in…

Yogurt may help burn fat and promote weight control

Yogurt is a dairy product that is generally very similar to milk, but it also has some unique properties that…

Calcium may reduce waist circumference among people predisposed to obesity

Previous studies indicate a relation between dietary calcium and change in body weight (BW) and waist circumference (WC), that could…

Sufficient intake of milk, fruit and vegetables during childhood reduces adiposity during adolescence

The effects of beverage intake patterns on body composition from early childhood into adolescence were assessed in 103 children in…

IUNS Congress 2013 – A new tool against obesity


Certain probiotics could help women lose weight and keep it off

This recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition by a team of researchers was headed by Université Laval…

Consumption of dairy products is associated with more favourable body composition in obesity

This study examined relationships between energy, protein and calcium consumption from dairy foods (milk, yoghurt, cheese, dairy spreads, ice-cream) and adiposity…