FENS 2015 Berlin

Prof. Richard Atkinson: “ yogurt as a public health benefit for weight management ”

Just before the start of our symposium on the health benefits of yogurt at the FENS 2015, Professor Richard Atkinson…

Experts answer Twitter on the Health Benefits of Yogurt

A couple of weeks ahead of the symposium on the health benefits of yogurt at the FENS 2015, we invited…

Joghurt, das zeichen einer gesunden ernährung und lebensweise?

Joghurt ist allgemein als gesundes Lebensmittel anerkannt und für viele Menschen weltweit ein Teil der Ernährung. Aktuelle Forschungen zeigen, dass…

Yogurt and weight management: systematic review of the evidence

Epidemiological studies suggest dairy products may be useful as part of weight management and prevention of obesity programs. However, to…

Yogurt, the signature of a healthy diet and lifestyle?

In case you could not make it to FENS 2015 in Berlin, you can find here a detailed press release…

Best of YINI symposium at FENS 2015: photo gallery

Research presented at a scientific conference this month revealed the potential benefits of yogurt consumption for improving the nutritional quality…

Storify YINI symposium at FENS 2015 : Yogurt consumption benefits

Couldn’t make it to the FENS 2015 and missed our symposium on the latest research updates on the health benefits…

YINI at FENS 2015: A story to be continued

The 12th edition of the FENS Nutrition Conference in Berlin has ended. With great pleasure, we look back to a…

FENS Berlin: Twitter asks the Expert on #yogurt2015

During our upcoming YINI symposium on the latest findings on yogurt consumption and health benefits at FENS 2015 in Berlin,…

FENS 2015: Meet our YINI guest speakers

We gladly present you our three international experts, who will review and discuss new research findings on the benefits of…