There’s a yogurt for everybody

Review supports health benefits of yogurt for tots and toddlers

When your baby or toddler is tucking into their yogurt, it's good to know they may be enjoying health benefits…

Family meal: a social experience beneficial for the children

Childhood is the prime time for laying the foundations of positive and life-long healthy eating habits. A report from a…

Eat dairy products now to stay fighting fit into your 80s and over

We could be facing a ticking time bomb of health problems because we’re consuming less milk and dairy food than…

Healthy eating habits in children: parents set an example

Childhood is the prime time for laying the foundations of positive and life-long healthy eating habits. A report from a…

How can parents help their children to eat well?

Childhood is the prime time for laying the foundations of positive and life-long healthy eating habits. A report from a…

Healthy eating habits in children: family matters!

Childhood is a decisive period for laying the foundations of positive and life-long healthy eating habits. A report from a…

Importance of breakfast in children. What role may yogurt have?

The YINI Symposium was held in Madrid on the 25 October 2018 as part of the IV World Congress of…

Keep soldiering on with a high-performance diet including yogurt

A few simple steps to change the way we present our food can make all the difference when it comes…

Why yogurt with fruit is the perfect combo: synthesis and presentation of André Marette

The YINI Symposium was held in Madrid on the 25 October 2018 as part of the IV World Congress of…

Foods, dietary patterns and obesity development in children: synthesis and presentation

The YINI Symposium was held in Madrid on the 25 October 2018 as part of the IV World Congress of…