
Which proteins to choose to prevent malnutrition in the elderly?

Choosing plant-based over meat-based protein sources may be better for nutritional health in old age, latest research from Spain suggests.…

Are milk fats okay for our metabolic health?

Dairy foods have long been hailed for their nutritional richness, although researchers are still debating over the metabolic effects of…

Yogurt can be a part of sustainable diets and food systems

Sustainable diets aim to balance planetary and human health; they are defined as nutrient-rich, affordable, accessible, and culturally acceptable, as…

Choosing dairy products for breakfast may give a healthy boost

Choosing more dairy products and fewer carb-rich foods for breakfast may hold the key to better health, latest research from…

Focus on proteins

Each month, we’ll share with you the key data about one specific nutrient. For this first edition, let’s focus on…

Dairy products play a key role in nutrition for older people – even if lactose intolerant

Nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, bloating; lactose intolerance is certainly no bundle of fun for those who suffer from it. If…

Can dairy foods help protect us against lung and oral cancers?

If you are regularly eating fermented dairy foods such as yogurt, the chances are that you’ll have reduced risk of…

Health benefits associated with yogurt lead to a re-think on fatty foods

Fatty foods are bad and we should avoid them, right? Well, not necessarily, scientists say. It all depends on the…

Improving dairy production for a sustainable future

People have been enjoying dairy foods for millennia but scientists are only just now discovering that cows can give more…

Overcoming acne: probiotics show promise

We’ve all been there – a hot date coming up and right on cue, the spots have erupted. But for…